Lauren Bersaglio

Lauren is the Founder and Editor of Libero. She started Libero in April 2010, when she shared her story about her struggles with an eating disorder and depression. Now Lauren uses her writing and videos to advocate mental health and body positivity. In her spare time, she enjoys makeup artistry, playing Nintendo, and taking selfies with her furbaby, Zoey.

Reasons to Eat Intuitively

Sometimes it is easy to muffle out this talk and keep moving forward; however, sometimes it isn’t so easy. So for those days when Intuitive Eating seems like the long, straight, and narrow; when the voices of dieters seem to be overpowering the voice of reason; and when those diet books are calling from the “Health/Nutrition” section at Chapters, here is a little reminder…

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What I’ve Gained from Ditching Dieting + Embracing Mindful Eating

Recently we shared this image over at Libero Network. I stumbled across it somewhere in the webosphere (credit to and it caught my attention. We’ve all seen the Special K adds “What will you gain when you lose?” (a topic for a future post…); however, this image throws it back in Special K’s face

What I’ve Gained from Ditching Dieting + Embracing Mindful Eating Read More »