27 Things I’ve Learned in 27 Years

Every year I get a little bit older, a little bit bolder, and just a little bit wiser… 

  1. Purple hair is hard to maintain and Pravana will stain everything. 
  2. Jon Foreman still says it best.
  3. Comparison is the thief of joy.
  4. There is a cost to cheap (or “fast”) fashion, and it shouldn’t be ignored. 
  5. Listen more than you speak.
  6. Contentment is the key to joy.
  7. Only you can fix you.
  8. Aim for better, not bigger. 
  9. Jesus was a refugee.
  10. Yoga heals the mind, body, and soul.
  11. The song that needs singing has already been sung before
  12. You are never done learning to love yourself or your body.
  13. K-I-C-K-A-S-S, that’s the way we spell success
  14. Dior everything.
  15. The surest way to fail is to give up trying.
  16. Jennifer Knapp is pretty awesome.
  17. The only way to conquer your fears, is to turn around and face them.
  18. Budgeting is a good life skill.
  19. LEGO is happiness.
  20. Apple will not change your life, solve all your problems, or keep you tech-stress free. (also Steve Jobs didn’t save the world)
  21. Getting a dog was the best decision I ever made.
  22. Don’t stray from being genuine–it’s what sets you apart.
  23. The Church does not reside only within a building. And neither does God.
  24. Food isn’t toxic; but we should still understand what we’re eating.
  25. Awareness is key, but is futile without active follow-through.
  26. Don’t put money before reputation. Money is easy to regain; your reputation is not.
  27. Every one of us has a story, and it should be heard.

Pass it on:

“27 Things I’ve Learned in 27 Years…” (click to tweet)


And of course a birthday wouldn’t be a birthday without this to serenade it in…

From past years: