Lauren Bersaglio

Lauren is the Founder and Editor of Libero. She started Libero in April 2010, when she shared her story about her struggles with an eating disorder and depression. Now Lauren uses her writing and videos to advocate mental health and body positivity. In her spare time, she enjoys makeup artistry, playing Nintendo, and taking selfies with her furbaby, Zoey.


Five and a half years ago when I made my online introduction I was the girl recovering from an eating disorder and self-hatred. But I have grown since then. I am so much more than that now. And I’m ready to start sharing that.

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Intuition vs. Lies

Due to my recent health issues, I’ve had to do a lot of talking about my diet. More specifically, I’ve been faceed with many decisions that need to be made. I’ll be perfectly honest, trying to balance my physical health with my mental health is not easy. If it were one or the other, I

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First, I would like to thank you all for all of your supportive and encouraging comments on my last post. You have no idea how much you lifted my spirits–which I believe will be part of my healing. A quick update before moving on, my health hasn’t been great as of recently (even since my

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I couldn’t believe it when I saw that my last post was back in February. Time does fly. There is so much to catch up on and so little at the same time. You will have to bear with me as my writing seems a bit rusty, and after a 96 hour Downton Abbey binge/marathon,

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